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Disguised Face Recognition

If you are passionate about innovating new technologies in the world of AI. Then come & join with us to learn, innovate & grow your career at the same time. We invite you to learn about the many exciting career opportunities awaiting you with us.

Youtube Video Coverage

Sep 3, 2018

Next Gen Facial Recognition May See Through Disguises

Sep 14, 2017

Disguised Face Identification (DFI) on Discovery Channels' Daily Planet

Sep 20, 2017

Discovery Channel's Seeker coverage of Disguised Face Identification (DFI)

Sep 5, 2018

Our Disguised Face Identification was on the cover of the Economist

News Media

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Facial recognition is getting incredibly powerful, and even more controversial

This AI-powered facial recognition system could soon identify disguised criminals

Facial recognition software can now identify people even if their face is COVERED in a breakthrough that will help quickly unmask criminals

How Facial Recognition Systems Will Reshape Your Daily Life

Facial recognition software can now identify people even if face is covered

Software can now identify unmask criminals

Even if you cover your face, face recognition systems will do just fine

Beard and blue glasses do not do: New face recognition sees everything

Partially veiled faces could be identified with AI-assisted face recognition

NIT Warangal students develop App to detect disguised faces

It’s useless to hide or avoid facial recognition software. The new facial recognition software will help catch criminals faster

Artificial intelligence taught to identify a criminal with a disguised appearance


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Even a mask won't hide you from the latest face recognition tech

What machines can tell from your face

This Artificial Intelligence System Can ID Faces Even If They Are Disguised

Facial Recognition Is Getting Incredibly Powerful—and Ever More Controversial

Facial recognition could soon be used to identify masked protesters

AI Will Soon Identify Protesters With Their Faces Partly Concealed

Facial recognition could help identify people even when they wear a disguise

The next challenge for facial recognition is identifying people whose faces are covered

Dear rioters: Hiding your face with scarves, hats can't fool this AI system

Using AI to identify protestors hiding behind hats or scarves is entirely possible

Are Engineers Responsible for the Consequences of Their Algorithms? The software can ID partially covered faces, making it potentially useful for persecuting dissidents.


Other Languages

Une intelligence artificielle permet d'identifier des personnes même lorsqu'elles portent un masque ou des lunettes

L’intelligence artificielle pourra bientôt identifier les manifestants partiellement masqués

Peneliti Kembangkan Teknologi Pendeteksi Wajah

Lip Reading AI

If you are passionate about innovating new technologies in the world of AI. Then come & join with us to learn, innovate & grow your career at the same time. We invite you to learn about the many exciting career opportunities awaiting you with us.

Tech Companies Are Training AI to Read Your Lips

Lip-Reading AI is Under Development, Under Watchful Eyes

Lip-reading artificial intelligences are being produced, under watchful supervision

Lip-Reading AI: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Eye in the Sky

If you are passionate about innovating new technologies in the world of AI. Then come & join with us to learn, innovate & grow your career at the same time. We invite you to learn about the many exciting career opportunities awaiting you with us.

Youtube Video Coverage

Discovery Channel's Seeker covered our Drone Violent Individuals Identification

BBC World News Interview of Dr. Amarjot Singh about the Drone Surveillance System

Eye in the Sky: Real-time Drone Surveillance System (DSS) for Violent Individuals Identification

Video Coverage of Telegraph of the 'Eye in the Sky' Project


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BBC World News Interview of Dr. Amarjot Singh about the Drone Surveillance

Eyes in the sky: Drones are being taught to spot violence in crowds

Surveillance drones taught to spot fights and suspicious behavior

Most British police forces now have drones – and they’re getting better at watching us. Is this the future we want?

The Eye in the Sky drone surveillance system from Cambridge University researchers that can spot violent individuals

Hyderabad: Big Brother to keep a tab on violent behaviour from the sky

Drones, CCTV cameras to alert cops to violence, crimes


Drones are being taught to spot violent behaviour

Eye in the sky: Drones are being taught to spot violence in crowds

Dr. Singh's (CEO SkyLark Labs) interview with ABC Australia about their Drone Surveillance System

Dr. Singh's (CEO Skylark Labs) interview with BBC Radio about their Drone Surveillance System

Popular Magazines

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Surveillance drones can identify violence from the sky as it happens

Surveillance drones can now spot violent attacks as they happen

A drone surveillance system trains to watch out for humans stabbing or punching each other

5 Crazy Ways You've Never Thought About Using Drones (but You'll Want To) Drone technology has immense potential, and a number of businesses are exploiting that in weird and wonderful ways

Drones are now being trained to spot violent people in crowds

Drones taught to spot violent behavior in crowds using AI

RoboCop-ter: Boffins build drone to pinpoint brutal thugs in crowds

This is the week that the drone surveillance state became real

Drones That Can Spot 'Violent Behaviour' in Crowds to Be Tested in India

Watch this drone use AI to spot violence in crowds from the sky

Experimental drone uses AI to spot violence in crowds

Like a vice principal in the sky, this A.I. spots fights before they happen


If you are passionate about innovating new technologies in the world of AI. Then come & join with us to learn, innovate & grow your career at the same time. We invite you to learn about the many exciting career opportunities awaiting you with us.

Youtube Video Coverage

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COVID-19 Curfew and Social Distancing Enforcement using Skylark Labs' AI Enabled Drones in India

PTC News Interview on our AI enabled Drones for COVID-19 Monitoring in India

Tribune News Interview on our AI enabled Drones for COVID-19 Monitoring in India

Daily Post News Interview on our AI enabled Drones for COVID-19 Monitoring in India

News18 Interview on our AI enabled Drones for COVID-19 Monitoring in India

Artificial Intelligence Festival Talk: COVID Social Distancing Enforcement using AI Enabled Drones

Newspaper Interviews

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City lad develops software to monitor social distancing

Skylark labs assist police in apprehending defaulters

Skylark Labs AI Drones Keep a Vigilant Eye on Individuals Violating the Curfew: Tickets to be Issued

Punjab cops deploy NITW-made drones

NIT-W alumnus’ software with AI watches Amritsar

ਭਾਰਤੀ ਮੂਲ ਦੇ ਅਮਰੀਕਾ ਨਿਵਾਸੀ ਨੌਜਵਾਨ ਵਲੋਂ ਕੋਰੋਨਾ ਵਾਇਰਸ ਨੂੰ ਫ਼ੈਲਣ ਤੋਂ ਰੋਕਣ ਲਈ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ “ਐਪ ”

Appreciations By Government

Appreciation by S. Karamjit Singh Rintu Mayor, Amritsar (Punjab)

Appreciation by S. Gurjeet Singh Aujla MP- LokSabha, Amritsar (Punjab)

Appreciation by Shri Anil Joshi Former Cabinet Minister, Punjab.

Appreciation by Shri Sunil Dutti MLA, Ex. Mayor, Amritsar (Punjab)